



  • Alves, MAS, CC Corrêa Missagia, CN Jenkins (2024) Threatened Birds. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Third Edition), Academic Press, pgs 243-257. Ed. SM Scheiner.


  • Kass, JM, … CN Jenkins, … et al. (2022) The global distribution of known and undiscovered ant biodiversity. Science Advances 8(31). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abp9908

  • Almeida, AC, L Tourinho, Q Ramalho, CN Jenkins, M Almeida-Gomes (2022) Regional variation in responses of a vulnerable bird species to land-use and climate change. Biotropical 54(5): 1190-1204.

  • Warudkar, A, N Goyal, V Kher, KL Vinay, R Chanda, RS Bandi, CN Jenkins, VV Robin, SL Pimm (2022) Using the area of habitat to assess the extent of protection of India’s birds. Biotropica 54(6): 1466-1479.

  • Takashina N, MJ Plank, CN Jenkins, EP Economo (2022) Species-range-size distributions: Integrating the effects of speciation, transformation, and extinction 12(1): e8341.

  • Li, BN, CN Jenkins, and W Xu (2022) Strategic protection of landslide vulnerable mountains for biodiversity conservation under land-cover and climate change impacts.119(2): e2113416118.


  • Huang, RM, … CN Jenkins, … et al. (2021) Batch-produced, GIS-informed range maps for birds based on provenanced, crowd-sourced data inform conservation assessments. PLOS ONE 18(12): e0295634.

  • Belote, T, … CN Jenkins, … et al. (2021) Options for prioritizing sites for biodiversity conservation with implications for “30 by 30”. Biological Conservation 264:109378. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109378

  • Berenguer, E, … CN Jenkins, … et al. (2021) Drivers and ecological impacts of deforestation and forest degradation. Chapter in Amazon Assessment Report 2021Publisher: Science Panel for the Amazon. United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, New York, USA. 48 pages. DOI:10.55161/AIZJ1133

  • Austin, KG, … CN Jenkins, … et al. (2021) Mapping and Monitoring Zero-Deforestation Commitments. BioScience, Volume 71(10): 1079–1090

  • Grelle, EV, … CN Jenkins, …et al. (2021) Conservation Initiatives in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Chapter in The Atlantic Forest: History, Biodiversity, Threats and Opportunities of the Mega-diverse Forest (pp. 421-449). Edited by MCM Marques and CEV Grelle. Springer.

  • Figueiredo, MSL, … CN Jenkins, …et al. (2021) Tetrapod Diversity in the Atlantic Forest: Maps and Gaps. Chapter in The Atlantic Forest: History, Biodiversity, Threats and Opportunities of the Mega-diverse Forest (pp. 185-204). Edited by MCM Marques and CEV Grelle. Springer.


  • Raven, PH, RE Gereau, PB Phillipson, C Chatelain, CN Jenkins, and CU Ulloa (2020) The Distribution of Biodiversity Richness in the Tropics. Science Advances 6(37), eabc6228.
  • Nagy-Reis, MW, … CN Jenkins … et al. (2020) NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES: a data set on carnivore distribution in the Neotropics. Ecology 101(11) e03128, doi:10.1002/ecy.3128
  • Gagné, TO, G Reygondeau, CN Jenkins, JO Sexton, SJ Bograd, EL Hazen, and KSV Houtan. (2020). Towards a global understanding of the drivers of marine and terrestrial biodiversity. PLoS ONE 15(2), e0228065.
  •  Houtan, KSV, T Gagne, CN Jenkins, and L Joppa. (2020). Sentiment analysis of conservation studies captures successes of species reintroductions. Patterns, 100005

2015 – 2019

  •  Anderson, EP, T Osborne, JA Maldonado-Ocampo, M Mills-Novoa, L Castello, M Montoya, AC Encalada, CN Jenkins. (2019). Energy development reveals blind spots for Amazon ecosystem conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17(9):521-529,
  • Brooks, TM, SL Pimm, HR Akçakaya, GM Buchanan, SHM Butchart, W Foden, C Hilton-Taylor, M Hoffmann, CN Jenkins, L Joppa, BV Li, V Menon, N Ocampo-Peñuela, C Rondinini. (2019). Measuring terrestrial Area of Habitat (AOH) and its utility for the IUCN Red List. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 34(11):977-986.
  • Tardin, RH, Y. Chun, CN Jenkins, IS Maciel, SM Simão, MAS Alves. (2019). Environment and anthropogenic activities influence cetacean habitat use in Southeastern Brazil. Marine Ecology Progress Series 616:197-210.
  • Pimm, SL and CN Jenkins. (2019). Connecting Habitats to Prevent Species Extinctions. American Scientist 107:162-169.
  • Santos, PM, A Bocchiglieri, AG Chiarello, AP Paglia, A Moreira, AC de Souza, AM Abba, A Paviolo, A Gatica, AZ Medeiro, … CN Jenkins, et al. (2019). NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics. Ecology: e02663. 10.1002/ecy.2663
  • Chiaravalloti, RM, M Benchimol, YS Reis, CN Jenkins, P Lemos, F Prado, CV Padua, S Tenório, C Tófoli, JN Spinola & R Maduro. (2018). Monitoramento participativo de caça de subsistência: diretrizes, dificuldades e possibilidades com base no caso da Reserva Extrativista Tapajós-Arapiuns/PA. Biodiversidade Brasileira 8(2): 203-218.
  • Vijay, V, Reid, CD, Finer, M, Jenkins, CN, & Pimm, SL (2018). Deforestation risks posed by oil palm expansion in the Peruvian Amazon. Environmental Research Letters, 13(11), 114010.
  • Pimm, SL, Jenkins, CN, & Li, BV. (2018). How to protect half of Earth to ensure it protects sufficient biodiversity. Science advances, 4(8), eaat2616.
  • Arnan, X, Andersen, AN, Gibb, H, Parr, CL, Sanders, NJ, Dunn, RR, Jenkins, CN, … & Castracani, C. (2018). Dominance‐diversity relationships in ant communities differ with invasion. Global change biology, 24(10), 4614-4625.
  • Hasui, É, Metzger, JP, Pimentel, RG, Silveira, LF, Bovo, AADA, Martensen, AC, Uezu, A, Regolin, AL, Bispo de Oliveira, AÂ, Gatto, CA, Jenkins, CN, and Duca, C. (2018). ATLANTIC BIRDS: a data set of bird species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Ecology, 99(2), pp. 497-497.
  • Anderson, EP, Jenkins, CN, Heilpern, S, Maldonado-Ocampo, JA, Carvajal-Vallejos, FM, Encalada, AC, Rivadeneira, JF, Hidalgo, M, Cañas, CM, Ortega, H and Salcedo, N, (2018). Fragmentation of Andes-to-Amazon connectivity by hydropower dams. Science Advances, 4(1), eaao1642. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aao1642
  • Lima, F, Beca, G, Muylaert, RL, Jenkins, CN, Perilli, ML, Paschoal, AMO, Massara, RL, Paglia, AP, Chiarello, AG, Graipel, ME and Cherem, JJ. 2017. ATLANTIC‐CAMTRAPS: a dataset of medium and large terrestrial mammal communities in the Atlantic Forest of South America. Ecology, 98(11), pp.2979-2979.
  • Newmark, WD, Jenkins, CN, Pimm, SL, McNeally, PB, & Halley, JM. (2017). Targeted habitat restoration can reduce extinction rates in fragmented forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201705834.
  • Belote, RT, Dietz, MS, McKinley, PS, Carlson, AA, Carroll, C, Jenkins, CN, … & Aplet, GH. (2017). Mapping Conservation Strategies under a Changing Climate. BioScience67(6), 494-497.
  • Pimm, SL, Harris, G, Jenkins, CN, Ocampo‐Peñuela, N, & Li, BV. (2017). Unfulfilled promise of data‐driven approaches: response to Peterson et al. Conservation Biology 31(4):944-947.
  • de Camargo Barbosa, KV, Knogge, C, Develey, PF, Jenkins, CN, & Uezu, A. (2017). Use of small Atlantic Forest fragments by birds in Southeast Brazil. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation15(1), 42-46.
  • Jenkins, CN, & Van Houtan, KS. (2017). Mathematical efficiency does not necessarily mean better. Biological Conservation 210:351.
  • Belote, RT, Dietz, MS, Jenkins, CN, McKinley, PS, Irwin, GH, Fullman, TJ, … & Aplet, GH. (2017). Wild, connected, and diverse: Building a more resilient system of protected areas. Ecological Applications 27(4):1050-1056.
  • Gibb, H, Dunn, RR, Sanders, NJ, Grossman, BF, Photakis, M, Abril, S, … & Arnan, X. (2017). A global database of ant species abundances. Ecology98(3), 883-884.
  • Jenkins, CN, & Van Houtan, KS. (2016). Global and regional priorities for marine biodiversity protection. Biological Conservation204, 333-339.
  • Ocampo-Peñuela, N, Jenkins, CN, Vijay, V, Li, BV, & Pimm, SL. (2016). Incorporating explicit geospatial data shows more species at risk of extinction than the current Red List. Science Advances2(11), e1601367.
  • Li, BV, Hughes, AC, Jenkins, CN, Ocampo-Peñuela, N, & Pimm, SL. (2016). Remotely sensed data informs Red List evaluations and conservation priorities in Southeast Asia. PloS one11(8), e0160566.
  • Vijay, V, Pimm, SL, Jenkins, CN, & Smith, SJ. (2016). The impacts of oil palm on recent deforestation and biodiversity loss. PloS one11(7), e0159668.
  • Jenkins CN, Alves MAS, Uezu A, Vale MM (2015) Patterns of Vertebrate Diversity and Protection in Brazil. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0145064. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0145064
  • Jenkins, CN, KS Van Houtan, SL Pimm, JO Sexton (2015) US protected lands mismatch biodiversity priorities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112(16):5081–5086. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1418034112
  • Jenkins, CN, KS Van Houtan, SL Pimm, JO Sexton (2015) Reply to Brown et al.: Species and places are the priorities for conservation, not economic efficiency. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1511375112.
  • NM Haddad, LA Brudvig, J Clobert, KF Davies, A Gonzalez, RD Holt, TE Lovejoy, JO Sexton, MP Austin, CD Collins, WM Cook, EI Damschen, RM Ewers, BL Foster, CN Jenkins, AJ King, WF Laurance, DJ Levey, CR Margules, BA Melbourne, AO Nicholls, JL Orrock, D-X Song, JR Townshend (2015) Habitat fragmentation and its lasting impact on Earth’s ecosystems. Science Advances 1, e1500052. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1500052
  • Rasolofoson, RA, PJ Ferraro, CN Jenkins, JPG Jones (2015) Effectiveness of Community Forest Management at reducing deforestation in Madagascar. Biological Conservation 184:271–277. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2015.01.027

2009 – 2014

  • Pimm, SL, CN Jenkins, R Abell, TM Brooks, JL Gittleman, L Joppa, PH Raven, CM Roberts, JO Sexton (2014) The biodiversity of species and their rates of extinction, distribution, and protection. Science 344:6187 doi/10.1126/science.1246752
  • Sloan, S, CN Jenkins, LN Joppa, DLA Gaveau, WF Laurance (2014) Remaining natural Vegetation in the Global Biodiversity Hotspots. Biological Conservation 177:12-24. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.05.027
  • Finer, M, CN Jenkins, MAB Sky, J Pine (2014) Logging Concessions Enable Illegal Logging Crisis in the Peruvian Amazon. Scientific Reports 4:4719. doi:10.1038/srep04719
  • Diamond, SE, H Cayton, T Wepprich, CN Jenkins, RR Dunn, NM Haddad, & L Ries (2014) Unexpected phenological responses of butterflies to the interaction of urbanization and geographic temperature. Ecology 95(9):2613-2621. doi:10.1890/13-1848.1
  • Joppa, L, P Visconti, CN Jenkins, SL Pimm (2013) Achieving the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Goals for Plant Conservation. Science 341(6150): 1100-1103. doi:10.1126/science.1241706
  • Jenkins, CN, SL Pimm, LN Joppa (2013) Global Patterns of Terrestrial Vertebrate Diversity and Conservation. PNAS 110(28): E2602-E2610. doi:10.1073/pnas.1302251110
  • Jenkins, CN, B Guénard, SE Diamond, MD Weiser, RR Dunn (2013) Conservation implications of divergent global patterns of ant and vertebrate diversity. Diversity and Distributions 19(8): 1084-1092 doi:10.1111/ddi.12090
  • Finer, M, CN Jenkins, B Powers (2013) Potential of Best Practice to Reduce Impacts from Oil and Gas Projects in the Amazon. PLoS ONE 8(5): e63022. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0063022
  • Finer, M, MB Sky, C Jenkins (2012) Sector Forestal en Loreto, Perú: Estado Actual e Implicancias Ecológicas y Sociales. Chapter in Revista LatinoAmericana de Derecho y Políticas Ambientales 2. Edited by J.F.R. Cabrera, S.A. Bustamante, E.G. Cerrón.
  • Finer M & CN Jenkins (2012) Proliferation of Hydroelectric Dams in the Andean Amazon and Implications for Andes-Amazon Connectivity. PLoS ONE 7(4): e35126. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035126
  • Vale, MM & CN Jenkins (2012) Across-taxa incongruence in patterns of collecting bias. Journal of Biogeography 39: 1744-1748. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2012.02750.x
  • Ogrzewalska, M, A Uezu, CN Jenkins, MB Labruna (2012) Effect of Forest Fragmentation on Tick Infestations of Birds and Tick Infection Rates by Rickettsia in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. EcoHealth 8: 320-331. doi:10.1007/s10393-011-0726-6
  • Jenkins, CN, SL Pimm, MAS. Alves (2011) How Conservation GIS Leads to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Natureza & Conservação 9: 152-159. doi:10.4322/natcon.2011.021
  • Jenkins, CN, et al. (20 authors) (2011) Global diversity in light of climate change: the case of ants. Diversity and Distributions 17: 652–662. doi:10.1111/j.1472-4642.2011.00770.x
  • Pitman, NCA, J Widmer, CN Jenkins, G Stocks, L Seales, F Paniagua, EM Bruna (2011) Volume and Geographical Distribution of Ecological Research in the Andes and the Amazon, 1995-2008. Tropical Conservation Science 4: 64-81.
  • Pitman, N, M Finer, C Jenkins & C Vriesendorp (2011) ¿Por qué una nueva área protegida en la Amazonía peruana? / Why a new protected area in Amazonian Peru? Pages 48-50, 176-177 in Pitman, N, C Vriesendorp, DK Moskovits, R von May, D Alvira, T Wachter, DF Stotz & A del Campo (eds.), Perú: Yaguas-Cotuhé. Rapid Biological and Social Inventories Report 23. The Field Museum, Chicago.
  • Jenkins, CN, MAS Alves, SL Pimm (2010) Avian conservation priorities in a top-ranked biodiversity hotspot. Biological Conservation 143: 992-998. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2010.01.014
  • Jenkins, CN & L Joppa (2010) Considering protected area category in conservation analyses. Biological Conservation 143:7-8. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2009.09.019
  • Pimm, SL, CN Jenkins, LN Joppa, DL Roberts, GJ Russell (2010) How many endangered species remain to be discovered in Brazil? Natureza & Conservação 8: 71-77. doi:10.4322/natcon.00801011
  • Pimm, SL & CN Jenkins (2010) Extinctions and the practice of preventing them. Chapter in Conservation Biology for All. Edited by N.S. Sodhi and P.R. Ehrlich, Oxford University Press. Free PDF:
  • Bass, M, M Finer, CN Jenkins, H Kreft, DF Cisneros-Heredia, SF McCracken, NCA Pitman, PH English, K Swing, G Villa (2010) Global Conservation Significance of Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park. PLoS ONE 5(1): e8767. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008767
  • Finer, M, R Moncel, CN Jenkins (2010) Leaving the Oil Under the Amazon: Ecuador’s Yasuní-ITT Initiative. Biotropica 42:63-66. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2009.00587.x
  • Finer, M, V Vijay, F Ponce, CN Jenkins, TR Kahn (2010) La Reserva de la Biósfera Yasuní de Ecuador: una breve historia moderna y los retos de la conservación. Chapter in ITT-Yasuní: Entre el petróleo y la vida. Edited by E. Martínez and A. Acosta, Quito, Ediciones Abya-Yala.


  • Anthony Anderson & Clinton N. Jenkins.  2006.  Applying Nature’s Design: Corridors as a Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation.  New York: Columbia University Press.